So what actually happens on a brand shoot?
Let's dive in behind the scenes of Lauren Goodman's brand shoot for her businesses Bluebird Creative and Bride Academy.............
Depending on what you have organised you will either meet at your location or prior to that, whilst you get ready. You can then discuss your itinerary and plans for the day.
You will need to have your hair and makeup done. But remember this is to be 'on brand'. So if your brand is relaxed, don't go over the top. Always have your brand at the forefront of your mind.
It is best to have created a brand board for your shoot. With brand colours and the mood that you want to depict. ensure your photographer has looked into your brand so they can get an idea of what you are about. It your photographer does not understand your brand, they are not the right photographer for you!
Have your shot list together and decide on a few locations to feature these. Ensure you have discussed this with your photographer and come up with your itinerary for the shoot, so that everything can be covered in the time.
Remember you may want several changes of clothes, so that when using your photography you are not always in the same location wearing the same outfit. variety is key here. but again always having your brand at the forefront of your mind. even when picking your clothes and colour palette.
Lauren is a wedding planner, stylist and online creative marketer. Her brand shoot depicts her warm brand tones, slightly relaxed style and freelance lifestyle. She is a fun character and we wanted to depict that in her photos. We went to a series of location and Lauren had several outfits, so that she could use her pictures across the seasons.
See below how we pulled her brand to life in this really fun shoot. We were super lucky with the weather and the sun shone all day for us!
Mindy x
