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Launch Date is HERE! Becoming a Doterra Essential Oil Wellness Advocate

Writer's picture: Mindy CoeMindy Coe

Updated: May 24, 2020

Finally the day has come when Mindy Coe Photography merges from organic, natural light photographer, to yoga teacher, and finally to DOTERRA WELLNESS ADVOCATE. Yippee!

So... what does this mean? What is Doterra? Well, I shall tell you lovely friends...

Doterra is THE purest and MOST ethical, essential oil company the world has ever seen.

Did you know that not all essential oils are pure? Did you know they aren't all organic? Neither did I, it turns out that lots of them are mixed with all kinda nasties that you do not want to be putting on your skin or diffusing into your air.

Doterra isn't just pure enough for you to rub all over yourself safely, but you can actually cook with them, drop them straight onto your tongue or even pop a little drop in your coffee.

Our skin is our biggest organ so surely anything we put on our skin, we want to be able to eat too right? RIGHT!

Well, I have become so in love with these oils that I now use them in my cooking, make all my household cleaning products, use them as my perfume and even make all my own beauty products with them.

I am absolutely love them and I now have ZERO toxic chemicals in my home. Actually, I have become so sensitive to chemicals that, if I even so much as get a whiff of Pledge, Dettol, or Cilit Bang then it makes me very unwell instantly.

So, I want to share them with you, because I just know that they are going to CHANGE your life.

If the world was normal right now, I would be arranging a workshop for you all to come and smell them, test them out and give you a whole heap of incredible recipes and knowledge.

However, we are in a corona crisis and that is not possible.

SO...(drum roll please)...

I am going to post just 10 lucky people samples of my incredible oils. I will be holding a Zoom call with guest speaker and Homeopath, Rowena Prescot on Friday 10th April at 12:00 noon. You will open your 10 samples, smell these incredible oils and we will talk you through all the benefits of them, what you can use them for, and tell you about the hefty discount to get your very first starter pack (FYI, this changed my life)

Samples posted will be:

• Lavender • Lemon • Peppermint • Tea Tree • Oregano • Frankincense • Deep Blue™ • dōTERRA Air™ • ZenGest™ • dōTERRA On Guard™

So, head over to my facebook group 'Essential Oils with Mindy' to apply to be chosen TODAY!


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