So as you may have already sussed out, I am very passionate about living an eco-friendly life. I try to pull that through into my work and the clients I attract tend to have a passion for the same things as me.
So with that being said I thought I would do a monthly tip, for all my fellow eco brides and also health and wellness brands whom I work with.
So this month I am showing you how I have managed to reduce my chemicals in my home. In fact I don't have chemicals in my home!!

I use Method products because their ingredients all come from plants not chemicals. I love their ethos as well. But I also love to make my own!

Toilet Bombs Recipe
1 cup bicarbonate of soda
1/4 cup citric acid
20 drops essential
1 tablespoon of natural washing up liquid.
This recipe is not my own. I found it on Peace With The Wild and think it is fab!
You will need:
Mixing bowl
Ice cube tray or silicone mould.
Mix all the ingredients together in your bowl and press together
Then push them into the sections of your mould
Leave to dry out and set for approx 20 minutes
Pop them out and place them in a jar ready to use
No non recyclable plastic is used
No chemicals
